anintrovertinthewild anintrovertinthewild OnlyFans Profile - Free Posts, Photos, Videos, Nudes, Leaked
@anintrovertinthewild's Biography
I’m a lot of things, really.
I’m an artist above all; a professional photographer, my own model, a writer, and anything else that such a broad term could encapsulate. This all started off as an outlet and one day, I just decided to stop being a slave to people who would never appreciate the heart and passion that I pour into things and reroute that same energy into working for myself. I cringed at the thought of an “Only Fans” at first, assuming it meant I was expected to do things I wasn’t comfortable with in exchange for money, but that’s not the case at all, is it? I love intelligent, witty, sarcastic conversation. I love philosophy, psychology, fitness, health & nutrition, holistic approaches to life, Star Wars, and so much more. I’m an extreme introvert, but my social side comes out when I’m alone. I’m an empath, a 4w5, an INFP, and I love quoting random movies when I feel the timing is appropriate. Ultimately, I wish to find happiness and peace in this world.
@anintrovertinthewild's Latest Posts, Photos and Videos
It’s been a while (enter Aaron Lewis voice here)
Just a quick note to let everyone know I have my own site now and will only be posting on there!
dot com
See y’all there 🖤🖤🖤
I’m still aliiiiivveee!!
What a year this has been! Goodness gracious, my head still feels like it’s spinning from all of the changes that have taken place.
I know I’ve been silent.
… too silent.
It was necessary.
2022 is going to see a lot more of me :)
Thank you all for your patience!!! It’s been muuuch appreciated 🖤💋🖤
See you soon with some new pictures!!
A post of good faith …
This may be my favorite picture I’ve ever taken.
I may have it printed.
Life has been challenging as of late with a lot of twists and turns and when I’m going through a lot, I get fairly silent, extremely pensive, and rather creative.
The life of a four …
My birthday is coming up on Wednesday and honestly, this is the first time I’m publicly saying it. I don’t think anyone really knows.
38 - oh, where has the time gone?
Enjoy the picture no charge, but tips are always appreciated.
Goodnight, everyone.
Oh man, what a week it has been!
It started with an injury; an injury that reminded me of why I’d started this venture to begin with - to do my own thing, my own way. Photography is like a door that presented itself in front of me years ago. It was never locked - all I had to do was open it, which I did. But once it was open, I sort of just kept looking at it, never walking THROUGH it. I doubt myself more than most. I constantly question whether I’m good enough. I almost didn’t do this shoot because of how “out of shape” I’ve gotten over the past few weeks that I haven’t been exercising as much because it hurts to move my wrist. Comparison truly is the thief of all joy. So fuck it. I’m just going to start pushing out content and it won’t always be perfect. My abs won’t always show the way I think they should and sometimes the lighting will show the scar I have from my crazy implant rupture story - but I’m doing it … and that’s what matters most.
Thank you to everyone who supports me along this journey.
Before I drift off to sleep …
I’ve been busy editing!
Got a new studio to work out of and snapping away. This first set is coming out really good. Creating a bit of a vintage/moody vibe. I’ll be releasing it on Friday!
Can’t wait for y’all to see!
🖤 Jenn
My, my, it’s been a minute …
Not gonna lie, this whole “healing/transformational work” is a pain in the ass; lots of ups and downs. I suppose that just means it’s working. I had chosen to separate myself a bit from the pictures and posting on here for a bit so that I could focus on reading and carving out the path forward, but maybe the path doesn’t have to be completely cleared. I’ve always been a sucker for the “path less traveled” anyway and those tend to be the more difficult to traverse.
For once, Jenn, if you could do something the easy way, that would be greeeeeaaaaat. :)
Here’s a picture or two to start off your Monday. No charge for these since it’s been so long since I’ve showed my face. Tips are appreciated if you feel like it 🖤
Happy Monday, everyone! Much love.
A brief update, as life has been a bit crazy lately:
I’m in the process of switching all of my camera gear from Canon to Sony mirrorless technology. It’s a very long, exhaustive process.
Since I have not had the time to put into this as much as I would have liked to over the recent two weeks and need to wait until I have replaced all of my necessary equipment, I changed the subscription back to free, so that no one continues to get charged while I’m not as active on here. If I do post content that is paid for, I will honor the existing subscribers and grant access to it.
Things should be settling down in another week or two and then I can return to focusing on building and creating content.
Very much looking forward to it as I’ve been working out like crazy and it’s showing :)
Happy Saturday, everyone!!
The creative mood has struck and now I’m flooded with images I wish to create. Being an artist is not entirely unlike a toxic relationship lol
Inspiration comes and goes, more often than not when least expected or convenient. When it hits, I’m transported into another world; an alpha-wave state. My mind stops seeing things as they are, but rather as I believe they should be. This is when I create. This is when I’m most content with the world.
It’s nice here …
As I sit on my couch, drinking my coffee and thinking about the irony of how all of this started for me; taking “professional selfies,” I can’t help but laugh at the irony of it all. A scrawny girl with greasy hair and bad skin, knee caps with sticks for legs, crooked teeth, and a level of self loathing building …
I wish I could go back in time and hug her and tell her it was going to be okay. From the time I was but a wee lass, I questioned everything. In school, when I raised my hand, the entire class would groan for they knew I would never stop asking questions. I never understood basic human behavior; why we so readily accept societal norms and reject others, why we stay quiet when we’re screaming on the inside, why we withhold saying some of the most important things to the ones we care for the most …
Me doing this is in my own little way a form of rebellion. BE the mom nearing 40 that revels in part of what makes her who she is. Write the meaningful captions that have nothing to do with the image, but are also just as relevant to who I am as a human being.
If it’s one thing I’ve learned in this life, it’s that there is nothing more powerful than not being afraid to not make sense. Even as I write these words, I get goosebumps from their strength.
Shit … that line hit me hard. I think I might have to use it again.
So here I am, claiming being a sexual woman, a pensive woman, and any other type of woman that I fucking choose to be.
I like Sundays …
I remember just a little over a month ago, when I first decided to go on this new adventure of mine and begin an OnlyFans, I felt sick; anxious-ridden. What would people think? How would men speak to me? Would I feel pressured into doing something I felt uncomfortable doing for the sake of money?
All reasonable questions, but frankly, as one of my favorite quotes so perfectly puts it, “We suffer more in imagination than in reality.”
So far, this has been a great experience. I only have a small following at the moment, but I believe that will change over time as I begin to put more of an effort into social media. I’m an artist, not a marketing major.
I think at it’s most fundamental level, people just like to look at bodies. It doesn’t always have to be creepy and wanting to do so doesn’t make us perverted; it makes us human.
I’m happy that I’ve moved past the point of worrying about opinions and am comfortable enough to know exactly who I am and sometimes more importantly, who I am not.
Thank you to the few of you that have been here from the beginning of this journey and perhaps some of you will stick around for a little while and continue down this rabbit hole with me.
Much Love,
Jenn :)

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