Clara Cosmia (Free) claracosmiafree OnlyFans Profile - Free Posts, Photos, Videos, Nudes, Leaked
@claracosmiafree's Biography
I'm a disabled, weird, slutty, nerdy, content creator... Also a cosplayer & cray cat lady with a computer science degree I cant use.... So I support myself with lewds & derps instead!
This is my free OF I've made bcs of censoring on other platforms. It's gonna be a bit of a mixed bag but I'm so happy I have somewhere to post whatever I want, life updates, kitty pics, but especially happy I get to post my lewd teases without fear of getting deleted!
I'll also have some naughtier stuff and sets available for PPV as I can manage it but the best deals are on my premium OF at
PS supporting me is also like donating to a good cause so its actually socially conscious pr0n, consume it guilt free and with a warm glow of dogoodery
@claracosmiafree's Latest Posts, Photos and Videos
✨ 🍃 Forest dipped 🍃✨
*11 pro HR lewd lingerie image set*
Shot in this gorgeous tub in nature vibe with lovely soft golden light which falls delicately on my curves, highlighting my figure in a super tight thong meshy dark olive green strappy bodysuits (it was supposed to be a cheeky style not a thong but me arse gobbled it up in two seconds 😅👅🍑).
I got quite into this set and you can see the images shift from showing off, to inviting you into the tub with me, to getting totally caught up in how sensual the vibe felt and forgetting you're even watching 👀
it has a very soft sexy vibe that's a bit different from my usual stuff and even though it was shot quite awhile ago, when I was still newish to modelling at shoots like this, I'm still really proud of it! Even tho I've since released full noodz, at the time this was the most scandalous thing I'd shot I think and even now there's something inexplicably extra sexy to me about it (*maybe it's the booty haha somehow I think this is still the best it's ever looked*) 🍑🔥 can't wait to hear what you think!
Also kinda dropping this to experiment with more professional sets, so if this does well I'll release more (and maybe naughtier depending how well hehe)
PS Fun fact It's actually a shot in the same studio as the Burgundy lace golden mirror set i released a couple weeks ago ! It was a really versatile studio with a lot of uniquely styled areas. It was so hard to stay focused on the current shoot when I could see the sets and have ideas for the other ones too haha
PPS less fun fact I had a panic attack on the way to this shoot bcs I had a shitty interaction with a very abelist train staff who kept telling me to "just lift" my bag when I literally couldn't and kept asking him for help. I'm British, I was causing a commotion by literally blocking ppl from getting on the train bcs I couldn't move my suitcase so I was mortified and wanted to crawl in a hole and die...I settled for curling into a ball in the train seat instead and I spent half the ride sobbing but I called a friend to help pull me out (thankfully she understood sob Clara mumbles and went to work distracting me with a silly story immediately).
So after my adrenaline calmed down a lil ya gorl rallied and pulled off not one, not two, but FIVE SHOOTS! Cause I'm a fricking meowgical queen hehe ✨👑
Been a rough couple weeks of flare after I got a bit too into the Cheryl tip game end of July and then life did its life-ing extra hard again thing lol (that clot scare was fun) but I'm slowly recovering! I got a few moments last week to just enjoy nature on my balcony for the first time in months. The sunset was this gorgeous candy floss pink and lilac, and the light made me feel extra cute 🥹
It made me reflect on how much I still struggle with taking a real break or time off. Even though my body rarely moves, I realised I sorely lack stillness. I'm always trying to get better at prioritizing my health, especially mental, and I know many of you do too. So here's a reminder for us...
A reminder that down time from being burnt out is not the same as active rest and nourishment... We get so caught up in pushing and only stopping when we can't push anymore, and think that pattern is okay bcs our capatalist society encourages us cogs to work as much as possible. Itd be like relying on walking from bed to the kitchen every day as your exercise, yes it's physical activity which is good for you, but you need an adequate amount to be healthy (which for most ppl is a lot more than that few seconds walk).
Same goes for rest. **Rest is radical and productive.** Fried zoned out recouping is not rest, it's non consensual downtime, limbo. Just bcs your body isn't moving or you're not doing "work" doesn't mean you're resting or recharging yourself. And if you can't stop your brain from saying you must do productive things at all times then yell back rest is productive! Taking care of yourself is productive.... Taking time to do something that makes you happy or lights you up is productive.... Tuning off tech for a lil or conversely using tech to catch up with someone... That's productive.
So go forth and be productive my Cosmians ✨
I'd love it if you could comment a way you recharge! Or a way you plan to soon! 🥰
Stay safe my lovelies x00x
Wooooo the new cosplay for this month is Black Widow! Did you guess correctly? Hehe
I'll be releasing her full cosplay set and boudoir sets on my @claracosmia page but I will definitely be dropping some stuff here too if you want just a lil taste!
This fabulous dress is one of like 8 options I've got going for part of her classic comic inspired boudoir look, sharing my wip and fun gf vibes try ons as I go, so I'm not sure if this will be on the final shoot or not yet... I'll prolly need my Cosmianauts over there to help me pick with a poll hehe but you'll see what wins after I've been able to shoot it 🥰
What do you think of this dress? I think it may be the tightest one I've ever worn I could barely get into it, my fitbit hit cardio zone half way through the struggle lololol
Fun throwback from a few summers ago hehe, I was clearly caught off guard 😂
For like a decade this is the only bikini I owned and I finally had to get a new one this yr bcs it was falling apart Bahaha but she was my first ever cheeky bikini so she has a special place in my heart for err! Speaking of 🍑 I took some more content this gorg summers day and made a lil ppv with a cute lil clip laying in the sun in a thong if you want a lil booty spice for $3 check it out 💦
If you want me to stop saying lil so much sorry but I'm stuck like this rn 😅
I miss being in nature so here's some happy little summer lewds 🌞
Just a fun little throwback day in the garden in a bikini top and a tiny plaid thong that doesn't match at all 🙈 it was just a lil impromptu attempt to sunbathe and as you can imagine it was challenging 😅
🔓 For a fun lil gf vibes clip laying on my tummy in the sun with a lil thong peek and bare back bcs my bikini tops undone (we don't stan tan lines in this house haha) practically glowing in the sun I'm so pale and being grumpy about melting like literally 🥵 😅 as well as two thong booty selfies pics (one laying and one standing), and a lil conclusion vid as I admitted defeat, 🌞:Clara 1:0 haha
Try ons for this months nsfw cosplay lewk started a couple days ago over on @claracosmia, any guesses what the character is??
Good morning lovely my Cosmians!
Low on spoons but felt cute and a complished after washing my face so took some selfies, my nipnops and I hope this is a half decent start to your week 🥰
PS scroll to the end for some underbob! Easy access since I was obviously not wearing a bra hehe
💦 The much requested shower clip 💦
***Check your inbox!***
Gf vibes, super casual, first take, wiggling to some classic 80s, fun mood lighting w faerie lights in my shower, fully nood nips out and bush out (it's shadowy in this romantic lighting though, so if youd like specific bush content ask me about the wild bush bundle!).
In this fun lil clip I'm totally wet and slippery, running my hands sensually along my slick skin. Includes some tiddies squish and caresses, and as you can see from the thumbnails I glide and stretch through a variety of tantalizing poses, moving in and out of the steamy water stream, as I show off my slippery curves for you 🔥 💦
**I've never released any shower content here before so I would love to hear what you think of this!** I don't make shower clips often thus they're really special to me, so if this one goes well it'll definitely sway me to drop more hehe 🥰 x00x
Here's the tip menu for my mini live! Be right with you ;) <333
Tiny office Cheryl Tunt live stream here tonight around 8:00 pm EST if spoons allow! This is the FIRST TIME EVER showing her off live so I am super excited!
***And thank you so much for helping us hit 15k bcs of that tiddie flashss will be available during this live stream here tonight you bloomin rockstars!*** I'll post the menu this evening here and in the story so check back before the stream!
I've been hard at work for weeks prepping for the fun live tip game over on @claracosmia tonight but I wanted to pop in and say Hai here too 🥰
Omgosh I've never done a cosplay tip game before and I am actually nervous 🙈 but luckily I know my nerves calm the second I start interacting with my Cosmianauts one on one live!
If you've ever wanted to see Cheryl Tunt doing smexy things you should probably head over there tonight haha, we'll be having a lil live where tiddie and bush flashes are on the menu first and then the rest of the night is the tip game! Which is just where you send a tip during our game window (8:30-10:30ish) and then I'm waiting (in this case in Cheryl cosplay) to send you something fun 🔥 The higher the tip the naughtier the content XD
If you've seen my tweets or story on premium you know I've had a really fucking rough week so even though I'm still a bit flared I'm just really looking forward to getting to spend time together. Ngl I've been pretty lonely these days and I always have the best times hanging out chatting and playing with yous and it's been sorely missed, can't wait for tonight 🥰😈
🔥Pinned intro post🔥
(if you're looking for the noodz bush bundle it's )
⭐ Hi loves! I’m Clara Cosmia, a disabled, cosplaying, slutty, nerdy, weirdo, tres cray cat lady, content creator w a computer sci degree that I can't use bcs I'm now too broken... So I support myself with lewds & derps instead!
💕Supporting me is also like donating to a good cause bcs we create a mental health conscious inclusive community, so when you sub to my page it’s actually socially conscious pr0n, consume it guilt free and with a warm glow of dogoodery!
💕 Whenever I go live and cam I’m almost always doing it on my premium page, so be sure to check that out if you ever want to hang out and chat with me in real time!
💕 I’d love to get to know all the Cosmians but it’s just not possible, to ensure I see your message, send it with a lil tip (they get sent to the tippy top of my inbox hehe) xoox
💕 Of course my PM's are open to my followers here, but if you have never purchased or tipped or we’ve never chatted before… well, I’m a busy crip over here and I have to prioritize people who pay tribute for all my hard work and time 💋
💕I always love being mutuals with other content creating thots here, if you find my page pls send me a lil intro message so I can follow you back! 🥰
🚨The naughtiest available content on this page (where you can find me fully naked) is here
⭐ All other lewd and nood cosplay sets, casual gf just being sexy in my PJs, as well as more intimate looks at my life and health issues, the most unfilters raw Clara is available at
⭐ I have very limited spots for customs and they are only ever up for discussion when you message me on
💕You can also find me on most social platforms under ClaraCosmia except for insta & tikkytoks where its ClaraCosmiaWtf (pls be careful of fakes that don’t have these exact spellings) but obviously the naughtiest free content is here!

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