Ryan Crago rynogatorrz93 OnlyFans Profile - Free Posts, Photos, Videos, Nudes, Leaked
@rynogatorrz93's Biography
Hey, I’m Ryan—your friendly neighborhood dinosaurian weirdo with Asperger’s Syndrome, ADHD, anxiety disorder, and sensory disorder. I’m a wordy bastard with a tendency to ramble and rant. **DO NOT CALL ME “DADDY”!** It is creepy and far more bothersome to me than almost any insult or slur.
Seriously, I’m not a content creator. If you’re some thirsty-ass fuckboy thinking you’re gonna get your rocks off here, you’ll be sorely disappointed, so don’t even bother subscribing. Also fuck off—I hate fuckboys with a fiery passion.
And no, I don’t “think this is Tinder” or whatever, as one very rude woman once accused me of. I simply use this page like a social media account. This derpy site is the only place I really socialize anymore, so what the hell. I’ll do as I please.
• Daddy kink shit
• Piercings
• Tattoos (esp. heavy ink)
• Stuck-up attitudes
• B/G crap
• G/G (I don’t hate it, but I’m not interested)
• Ahegao
• Feet
• Dom/sub stuff
@rynogatorrz93's Latest Posts, Photos and Videos
If my favorite content creators could kindly STOP covering themselves with a fuckton of ink, that’d be fantastic.😑 I realize I’m being a selfish prick, but I legitimately don’t understand the urge/addiction (especially since it’s become such a widespread trend; the old “self-expression” thing doesn’t work when you’re doing the same shit as 75% of the population, and seemingly just getting inked up because it’s “cool” or whatever), and it makes me go from paying you a ton of attention and buying lots of your content to zero in both areas. I fucking *hate* it. I hate piercings too—and typically even more than tattoos—but at least they can be taken out. Once you’ve marred that skin, though, you’re effectively stuck with it, and you’ll play hell trying to get the shit removed. I kinda have to wonder how many people these days even think that far ahead. Probably not many—the whole thing reeks of impulsiveness. Y’know, the classic monkey see, monkey do phenomenon where people see others do something and they excitedly copy them without a second thought because they thought it was neat. Now that I think about it, it reminds me of when kids get all hyped about getting their faces painted at various kinds of events. Whatever it is, it’s frustrating as hell. Blargh. Make it stop. Make the goddamned modification and add-on lunacy just stop already.
GOD FUCKING *DAMMIT* I’M SICK OF THIS RETARDED SITE’S COCKSUCKING DOUCHEBAG ADMINS DELETING MY FUCKING PRIVATE MESSAGES AND SENDING ME GENERIC AUTOMATED BULLSHIT ABOUT “protecting the community”!! I don’t *say* fucked up things—nothing inherently harmful to any content creators, anyway. I should be able to talk to someone very significant to me that I’ve been friends with for twice as long as either of us have been on this site without getting censored for *daring* to say some personal things. I shouldn’t have to try to remember to back up every goddamn thing I write just in case these losers—who probably don’t even know how to talk to women—decide to fucking troll me and remove my shit. And because the notices are lazy and generic as fuck, these worthless geeks don’t even bother to tell me just what parts of my message are sooo fucking bad. It’s infuriating beyond belief. I’m so incredibly, thoroughly sick of censorship in all its forms. It doesn’t “protect” anyone. People still do fucked up things all the time and get away with it because they know how to play the system. I’m pretty fucking sure people probably still conduct and partake in plenty of questionable and shady dealings on here, too, despite all this “safety” crap. All it does is cause problems for folks like me who dare to talk instead of drooling and simping all over people. ***FUCK YOU, OnlyFans.*** I only joined your site because of one person—the same person you keep cockblocking me from speaking freely to—and I’m really only still here because of that same person and a few others. I have no loyalty to the site itself. Go fuck a toaster, OnlyFuckers admins. Seriously.
I fucking **hate** 99% of the faggot-ass dudes on this site, I swear to god. (Yes, I just said “faggot” in public. And I damn well mean it. They’re all a bunch of fucking faggots. When I say that, it has nothing to do with anyone’s sexuality. Well, no—I actually just don’t use it for anything to do with homosexuality. Instead, I feel it applies primarily to straight guys, despite the connotations. I base it on behavior, conduct, mentality, and attitude rather than sexual preference. My best examples of what a faggot is to me are Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars, the Joker from Batman, and guys who rev their cars at women in a pathetic effort to impress them. That covers most of it.) They’re either completely vulgar and disrespectful assholes demanding things all the time like a bunch of entitled twats, lecherous freaks who insist on being called “daddy”, or a bunch of goddamn simps calling women “mommy” and shit. (What IS it with the creepy-ass parental terms flying around everywhere these days?! MAKE IT STOP!) Precious few have the decency and maturity to simply support their favorite creators and not act like total freakshows. Furthermore, I’ve observed some very disturbing effects of these behaviors on said creators over the past few years. These bastards are like fucking brain tumors, screwing with the way these ladies’ brains work and warping them into people they’re not. Effects can range from influencing creators to use certain words they didn’t previously use, altering behaviors, creating inflated egos, development of narcissistic tendencies, and so on. I can’t stand it. It makes me wanna go berserk, especially when I see this shit going on with people who mean a great deal to me. Goddamned fuckboys and faggots.🤬🤬
Why are so many dudes so desperately eager to watch other guys fuck—even supposedly straight guys? It’s weird as hell. Anytime anyone I follow posts a poll asking whether they should add b/g content or stick to solo stuff, the numbers are always overwhelmingly in favor of the b/g stuff. Frankly, it annoys the shit out of me. (And I don’t know why I even bother voting on those—the hordes of thirsty fuckboys constantly begging for b/g shit always win anyway.) Am I, like, the only guy who doesn’t want to look at sweaty other dudes and their fucking junk just to try and pretend I’m the one screwing the women I follow? (Why do you need to look at another guy to imagine such a thing, anyway? I certainly don’t.) I get that not every man finds others guys as repulsive as I do, but goddamn. Are these guys all secretly bi or something? Or is it just that my brain doesn’t completely fucking stop working when I get horny—while all these other guys are practically reduced to drooling, grunting vegetables—so I can’t delude myself into seeing someone else’s nasty-ass package as my own? Regardless, every pathetically desperate push for things like this reminds why I can’t stand the vast majority of most other guys—among countless other reasons and examples. **UGH!** They constantly hound all of the women I follow for more and more b/g crap, and honestly it kinda makes me want to punch the hell out of their lecherous bitchssses. This is both because I hate the type of content they constantly demand, and especially because I absolutely LOATHE guys who pressure women like that and treat them like goddamn porn vending machines. Zero fucking tolerance. Creepy goddamn cuntbreath fuckboy bastard pieces of shit. Frankly, the types of which I speak are a bunch of worthless cumshots who should’ve been swallowed—or perhaps just shot into a tissue and thrown away.
Why the fuck have several of my old chats disappeared without my consent? I didn’t delete them, some of the pages are still active, and neither party blocked the other. Does the site auto-delete things after two years or something? I’m so PISSED! I really wanted to keep some of this stuff, and I was actually intending on forwarding something from one of these old chats to another chat soon. Now I can’t do that. All my words, all my pictures, everything—it’s just fucking GONE. I should be able to fucking CHOOSE whether or not my shit gets deleted after x amount of time, dammit. That needs to be an account setting that can be toggled. This is an outrage.
OnlyFans, you fucking morons, why are the arrows back to covering up parts of pictures (when the pictures are expanded) when there are multiple items in a post? That hadn’t been a thing for over two years, and now it’s back. It looks trashy as SHIT. Stop fucking with things, you goddamn incompetent *tweakers.*
I just can’t with the random subscribers who often subscribe to me and then immediately unsubscribe within less than a minute. I’M NOT A CONTENT CREATOR, YOU MORONS! It says so right at the top of my bio, for god’s sake. I don’t know what the fools expect when they click that button, but I made it pretty damn clear, and they shouldn’t be disappointed when they were promised absolutely nothing. So why follow, then? I don’t get it. Fine, I get that some content creators follow people ‘cause they want their business, but why do a bunch of anonymous randoms think I have anything for them? Just the fact that I have a name? Are they truly **that** simpleminded? Well, considering most of them seem to be guys—yeah, they probably ARE that simple. I swear I’m like one of the only guys who don’t get reduced to grunting, drooling, and eating boogers when browsing this site. Bunch of mouth-breathing freakshows.🙄 I’m not sure whether I’m more amused or annoyed by it all.
Despite the ludicrous and rather shameful number of people I have followed, subscribed to, and trialed over the past couple of years I’ve had this account, the number of people I truly give a shit about and am actually invested in is in fact quite small. The bulk of my current subscriptions are free, and only a few of those are people I’ve spoken with more than three times. If I stripped this account down to the essentials, I’d really only be subscribed to about 5-7 people. (Technically this number should be 6-8, but for reasons I haven’t yet determined, a friend I’d made in June-July has mysteriously become an “inactive user”. This disturbs me greatly, as I’d grown very close with this gal in just a couple of months.) The reason this number is only approximate is that the true importance of a couple of folks is in question; one I don’t talk to very often, and I am growing quite disillusioned with the other.
My top three favorite ladies in the world, for a multitude of reasons:
I have so much love and appreciation for these sweet, sexy, and all-around incredible women that I don’t even know what to do with it all.❤️ These three are the main reasons I put up with this broken site’s endlessly fuckery, and—in Ally’s case—the reason I even joined the site.
Attention followers—especially the dozens of random-ass strangers I’ve never followed or spoken to: If you really want to support me, please support my friends Millie (@wildwetmillie) and Katie (@kinkyyykay) by following and/or sharing their pages. Both women are extraordinarily dear friends of mine, and they could use the boost. One recently had to sell her car because our country’s economy is currently dog shit—especially in her area—and the other always seems to struggle to get by. Help my friends out, show me, and you’ll have my appreciation. Yeah, it’s an uneven exchange, but so be it: I didn’t ask for a bunch of random women and friggin’ *dudes* to follow me when I don’t even post any content of any kind. I love my friends, and I have no problem being a dick to others if it means trying to help the people I love.

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