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@she_hulk_smash's Biography
(ć£āā”ā)ć£ ā„ Hello everyone! I'm Jecky and I'm an Italian girl who loves cosplaying Jennifer Susan Walters, AKA She-Hulk, my favorite Marvel superheroine! She is the symbol of strength par excellence, a jade goddess, a green super sexy giantess that I will portray in the best way. Here I am on Only Fans to share exclusive contents with you, which you won't find on other platforms! ā„
[ š»ššāššøššš¼ā ]
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@she_hulk_smash's Latest Posts, Photos and Videos
Which version of the Jade Giantess you'd like more to see next?
Whoops! I didn't mean to do that!
Don't tell Wade that I broke his Christmas stuff with my dizzying pointy heels!! šš
What to do with this small rabbit? šš
You decide if smash, eat or let it be ~š£ let me know in the comments below ~
I like crushing things š š And sometimes people too!
A flower in your mouth can help, you know? ~ šš¼
Happy Easter š°
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